Make sure you remember you’ll need to remember your rehearsal dinner. From selecting a rehearsal dinner location, to picking out the type of menu you’ll serve This dinner will be a big deal! So before you start to create your plan, here’s what you need to know.
Your guest list is the first thing to think about. The rehearsal dinner is usually enjoyed by the entire wedding party along with anyone else in attendance at the wedding ceremony. This provides an opportunity for your wedding group to connect and to get acquainted with one another. Additionally, it is possible to invite your wedding party’s plus-ones, if applicable. You are able to choose whom you invite, however remember that those involved in the dinner and ceremony will be required to attend the event.
It’s also important to pick a great venue. A few things to take into consideration are proximity to the wedding venue as well as the time required to travel for guests, as well as overnight accommodation should they be required. The location must be accessible to you and your guests from the venue.