What You Should Know About a Dog Bite Case – Dan Park Law Group


Have a bite.

A valid case usually contains four different parts. They are: you suffered injury or attack from an animal; you were not ever trespassing onto the property of the dog or defying the animal, and it caused some kind of injury.

There are two major kinds of liabilities with regard to responsibility. Certain states have strict liability which means in the event that a dog bites a person it is the pet’s owner who is legally responsible. Some states follow the “one-bite” principle. The rule of one bite means homeowners insurance is responsible for any dog bites unless it’s ever bit someone else. The policyholder is responsible when the dog bites previously.

The wound from a dog bite usually is either a flesh or skin wound. The quantity of scarring required for healing from bites varies upon the time frame. There are times when cases could require up to a year for scarring.

Always keep a police log. After you have done this, police will get homeowners’ insurance for you and provide proof to the insurance provider for the case of a dog bite.

Take a look at the video and learn the criteria for a legitimate dog bite claim. Or contact the local lawyer now.
