What Are Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Calculations? –

Hydraulic Calculations for Fire Sprinkler Systems” provides an explanation of how these calculations are carried out in order to protect the structure. Learn more in the next article.

It is essential to calculate the density by analyzing the contour of the density area and the NFPA13 standard. This allows sprinkler system installation to be more effective. A density of 0.20gpm/ft2 is recommended in an area that is 1,500 feet2 within Normal Hazard Occupancy Group 2. The curves for the groups 2 and above are calculated to aid in hydraulic calculations for fire sprinklers.

When you’ve obtained this data Next step is to find out how many nodes within the design area. This should be calculated starting at the top of the fire-risinger, and moving towards the downstream. The sprinkler’s orifice could be set to the value k = 8.0. Then, determine how large the sprinkler will cover in your plan. In this instance it’s 129.87ft2. The size of the area is multiplied by the density you determined earlier. Using those numbers, you’ll be able to determine how much water is discharged from the first sprinkler.

To learn more about hydraulic fire sprinkler calculations you can watch the rest of the video.
