ts. The video below will help you understand how you can prevent cavities. If you experience pain that persists for longer than 7 days, talk to your dentist in the family.
Cavities are caused by tiny microbes which live inside the mouth. They have existed since birth and are still there. This bacteria may cause cavities if fed adequate amounts of sugar. The bacteria they are called Mutans Streptococci. They produce acid when they consume sugar. Because the acid causes enamel and teeth to discolor, this is a problem. The acid may cause damage to your enamel and inner layers of your teeth. These are referred to as Dentin. The blood vessels and nerves that are inside your teeth are in Dentin. If acids and bacteria got their hands on this far, you will likely begin to experience discomfort. It’s better to prevent the acid from creating damage. This is why brushing and flossing your teeth is essential. By removing sugar, you can ensure that your microbes aren’t eating it, and don’t produce an acid that burns.